gr. 4b aenigma verbale


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number. You need to correct all of your answers to finish (and get your "thanks" popup and your points).

           1    2       
  3   4            5       
6        7         8    9     
 10      11               
13               14       
  17       18             


3. handsome youth loved by two goddesses
5. we
6. Titan who brought fire to mankind
8. game, school
11. made to fall in love with his own reflection
12. his worshippers were maenads or bacchantes
13. changed into a heifer to hide her from Hera
14. field
15. Cyclops who tried to imprison and eat Odysseus & his men
17. Clever Greek who told the blinded Cyclops his name was "no one" or "no man"
19. you plural, y'all
21. chatterbox who was punished by Hera
22. to hand over, hand in
23. to come


1. tired
2. a ring
4. mother of Persephone
7. handsome companion of Apollo killed by a discus
9. to learn
10. monster with one huge eye
14. to help
16. to run
18. carried off by Zeus who was disguising himself as a bull
20. a judge
22. decem, Anglice